

 It’s been a long year, but I am finally starting to feel like myself again. Now that I have a clear mind, I wanted to say a few things. I don’t want you to feel any further guilt, but I would like to think that we both learn something from this. You were loved immensely, wanted and accepted completely. Things have been hard for you since losing your thyroid, but I thought you felt the same way, so I continued to stay by your side in hopes that we had a future. Even though we do not, I still want you to be happy in life. Not choosing me was heartbreaking, but the two months that followed were devastating for me. It didn’t need to be that way. In that regard, I did deserve better from you. I didn’t deserve to have my hope dragged by the possibility of a solution. The solution was always there, but you weren’t willing to take it on. Once you had gotten past the worst of it, you became cold and cruel. After being there for you through everything, caring for you as I did, I do not understa